Saturday, 6 June 2009

Gender Politics and New Labour's Undressing

Former Europe Minister Caroline Flint appears "dressing" the front covers of most national newspapers today, as the latest lady to have stabbed the Prime Minister with her "stiletto". In her resignation letter, Ms Flint complained that Gordon used his senior female colleagues as "window dressing". Surely not, there must be some mistake !

In fact, this may well be history's verdict on the "Blair Babes" : "window dressing". For New Labour has never really embraced "Gender Politics" : "Parenting Politics", yes, and pay inequality between men and women, to a certain extent, but the power relations between the genders, no way.

Perhaps the Blair Babes - now rather more mature - have only just realised this. It should, therefore, come as no surprise to them that the woman to a have gained most from political events of the last week is no less than Mrs Ed Balls, or Yvette Cooper, as she prefers to be called : the new Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.

Sorry Girls ! - or should that be New WAGS : Women Against Gordon ?