Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Good Days To Bury Bad News

"A good day to bury bad news" was how a young New Labour advisor on transport policy described the events of 9.11.2001 in an email. Her subsequent departure from office was remarkably swift, compared to the perpetrators of later media-related blunders. However, this kind of comment very much sets the tone for political/media values during the Blair and Brown Governments. In fact, it is precisely the lack of values in the relationship between politics and the media which has been one of the most disturbing features of New Labour in office.

I was reminded of this deficit the other day when former spin doctor supremo Alistair Campbell was given air time on BBC Radio 4's cultural programme "Front Row" to promote his new novel, "All in the Mind", and describe his various nervous breakdowns and depressions. The interview co-incided with the row about Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand : a pair of overpaid mediocre twats in my opinion incidentally, but hardly worth all the fuss. Mark Lawson, the interviewer, suggested to Campbell that this row was the biggest to have hit the BBC since the media furore about the absence of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), and the related death of United Nations weapons inspector Dr David Kelly in 2003. Excuse me, but am I living on the same planet ! To compare the Ross/Brand nonsense with the WMD/Kelly story was rather more obscene, I would suggest, than Russell Brand's answerphone message. I can only imagine that there must be something about Alistair Campbell which causes derangement in other people.

As it happens, many other important and newsworthy items occurred whilst the politicians and the Media were gorging themselves on the on the Ross/Brand business, particularly on the economic front. But, thanks to the co-operation of busily-complaining Jo Public, whipped up by the popular press, here were more good days to bury bad news; and not least the information that the British Government knew about the problems of the Icelandic banks long before it invoked anti-terror laws - instead prudent financial regulation - against them.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

1984 as a "Manual for Government"

From http://www.politics.co.uk/ - Tuesday, September 16 10:55 am

Civil rights campaigner Shami Chakrabarti launched a scathing attack on Gordon Brown's record at a Lib Dem conference fringe event last night, saying he used George Orwell's book 1984 as "a manual for government".

The Liberty director warned the prime minister had failed to become the change voters expected during his honeymoon period and that he was now struggling in the polls as a result.

"Democracy is sometimes about hiring and firing governments," she told politics.co.uk.

"If you've been in power for a long time people feel like a change and sometimes you have to be the change or the change comes."I think Mr Brown got a honeymoon because people thought he might be the change. He could dump some things like ID cards, not run away with pre-charge detention, say sorry for Iraq, maybe?

"These things don't cost any money but they show a great amount of humility. You might be the change or the change comes upon you."

Ms Chakrabarti railed against the incremental increases in surveillance and unregulated use of CCTV cameras, saying the George Orwell novel 1984 was "supposed to be a warning, not a manual, for government".

"We know what we're up against: the terrible idea that if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear. It does matter. Imagine a society where privacy doesn't matter: no dignity, no intimacy, no freedom of thought, no free speech."

She said Orwell's book captured the way in which language was used to subvert important values, including the 'war on terror' in particular.

"The moment you call it a 'war on terror' you're asking people to surrender their freedoms because they're living in a permanent state of emergency," she finished.

"I'm not prepared to wait for 50 years."

Monday, 8 September 2008

Student Politics, Think-Tanks & Other NerdSpeak

On his recent return from a trip to Ukraine (and single-handedly sorting out the problems of The Caucasus, no doubt !), British Foreign Secretary David Miliband was keen to draw attention to the views of Ukrainian students and think tanks (and very interesting I'm sure they are too)! In doing this Mr Miliband also drew attention to the what I imagine are the cornerstones of his own worldview : student politics and think tanks. Now if New Labour were a student political party, or for that matter, a think tank, I wouldn't have a problem. It's when it involves itself in the real world, that problems start to occur.

Take those of poor Alistair Darling for instance. Only a few weeks into his new job as Chancellor of the Exchequer last year, and his first briefing on the Credit Crunch was a newspaper article in the Financial Times which he picked up whilst on holiday in Majorca. Now what are political advisers, civil servants and the like employed for but to provide this kind of information to ministers new to their jobs, I wonder ? My own impression is that many/most(?) are so stuffed full of NerdSpeak (of the kind Mr Miliband regularly communicates through) that dealing with real matters of great national and internation significance is nigh-on impossible. Discuss

Friday, 22 August 2008

The Importance of Being Worthy

I'm unsure whether this post should be a postscript to my earlier one on "The Language of New Labour", or a introduction. Let's just say that there's something about the "worthiness" of The New Labour Project which brings out the Bad Arse in me ! New Tories please take note !

The Language of New Labour (or "We've been Shagged !"

A while ago someone asked me what I meant by "De-constructing the New Labour Project", meanwhile looking at me gravely as if I should consider myself unworthy of such a task. Now, as it happens, many of this gentleman's favourite expressions have at their root the verb "To Shag". Incidentally, he is an extremely clever man - Mathematician, Psychologist (interested in language), Lawyer, Politician, Teacher - but likes to appeal to the popular vote and also to the passing phraseology of younger people, in particular.

Since this conversation - and, indeed, for some time before - New Labour has been in something of a self-destructive state, so being something of a "Do Minimum" person (masterly inaction and all that), I've been holding back on this blog. However, I now feel it's time to resume my "de-construction" with a short examination of the language of New Labour.

Now my educational and professional background is rather different from that my learned friend, and includes Masters Degrees in English Language and Literature, and Urban and Regional Planning, as well as formal training as a Management Consultant. I'm also a fairly proficient Animal Communicator (Horses and Cats !), and, as any human who's had a full-on face-to-face argument with me will know, have ready battalion of popular expressions to hand.
Incidentally, I'm more Jaw-Jaw, than War-War.

One of my basic problems with New Labour is in "its" deployment of language, and, in particular, the "Newspeak" (think George Orwell, 1984) which has inveigled itself into my areas of work : regeneration and planning. Indeed, on one occasion, it was suggested to me that I would need to acquire a whole "new terminology". No thanks, being deficient in foreign languages, if it comes down to being unable to communicate in my own, I think that I'll move abroad (perhaps to Russia) and learn another.

Now what "Newspeak" (and its related "Groupspeak/think") has enabled New Labour to achieve , above all else, is to to give senior politicians s and "big time" bureaucrats (whether in the public or private sectors) charged with delivering government policy an overwhelming sense of self-importance. Moreover, this overwhelming sense of self-importance has also - to give Credit where it's due - "cascaded down" (please note my mastery of McSpeak or management consultancy jargon !) to middle and lower level "operatives" ie people who do the work, or not.

Here, however, comes "The Crunch", the consumers of government policy, including public services, but also many other "goods" which do not fall under these, no longer feel that things can only get better. Indeed, many people, myself included, now feel that things could become considerably worse, and, more especially, that they will have to pay the price for the follies of, first, Tony's Cronies, and then Gordon's Gang. In short, and as onetime spin doctor supremo, Alastair Campbell, might have put it himself : "We've been shagged !".

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

The Empty Property Show

The TV home property show has been very much "on message" for the New Labour zeitgeist. Meanwhile, gangs of executives from the likes of the Regional Developments Agencies, as well as some major urban local authorities, have headed south (literally) to international property shows of the kind held annually in Cannes.

However, many urban areas in Britain now have a glut of empty property, mainly 1 and 2 bedroom flats built for the, anticipated, swell in numbers of young professionals in well-paid work. The real growth has actually been in multi-occupancy households, many on very low incomes : the amount of low-paid work is certainly growing.

Indeed, the growing gulf between the fantasy world of so-called evidenced-based policy-makers, many of whom would deny the evidence of their own eyes if spurious statistics dictated this, and actual reality, is, I maintain, one of the key manifestations of the New Labour Project. This is precidely why its deconstruction is essential.

Friday, 7 March 2008

The Ideology of New Labour

The politics of today's Britain are said to be non-ideological, but is this true ? The argument here is that there is a great deal of ideology at work in Britain's New Labour Government and an important aim is to deconstruct this by examining a number of policy areas, given below in no particular order, including :

  • Culture, Media & Sport
  • Foreign Policy Interventions
  • Domestic Consumption
  • Housing & Planning
  • Children & Families
  • Health & Disability
  • Role of Education
  • Employment & Immigration
  • Social Wellbeing & Cohesion

A key question in this examination is whether New Labour's policies for economic growth are socially sustainable, particularly in the medium and longer terms. There will also be a strong focus on the role of the Media, especially the BBC, and whether the gravitational pull of issues favoured by New Labour has led to under-reporting of other important matters.